Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Time of Departure

     This is my last night at home before I leave for New York City in the morning.  Flight at 9am, arrives at 10am.  (Not the 15 hour flight to Mumbai quite yet).  Given the fact that I'm still in an advanced state of denial over this whole thing, I'm not sure how to describe my emotions.  When you talk about something and explain it in the same words day after day, you start thinking of it in a limited way: 
"I'm going to India this summer!"
"That's so cool!  For how long?"
"I'm going for 6 1/2 weeks."
"Wow!  How come?"
"It's a State Department program for American high school students to learn languages that aren't commonly taught in schools..."
et cetera.  I have it memorized.  So it feels like I say that "yes, I'm really excited" and "no, I'm not that nervous" more than I think about being excited or nervous.  Frankly, I just don't know what to expect.
     I plan on looking back at this blog in the future so I can see how I was before my trip.  So, future me, this is for you.
     I believe that India will be extremely loud and chaotic with a ton of people, all the time.  My family so far seems very kind and I look forward to meeting them.  I don't know anyone on the program too well yet but I am really, really pumped to meet people tomorrow!  Lauren, my Resident Director, seems like she knows what she's doing and will be a great resource.
     I'm anxious to entering an India that's entering a new phase like I am--an India under a new leader.  I can't wait to look down on North Africa and the Atlantic as I fly over the globe FOR 15 HOURS.  Most of all, I look forward to getting enough rest tonight, since I have to get up at 5am tomorrow.  Therefore, good night all.
     (Here I am, cleaning up my blog, looking back at my old writing.  And so, past Erik: It is.  They are.  You should be.   You will.  She does.  She was.  Don't worry.  We flew over Iceland and Russia, idiot.  Good night.)